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Inspired by Send Me SFMOMA, Leia aims to create something resonates with a user's current moods. The goal is to create a poetic experience for users. With Leia, users can get some small delightful moments in life while 

Leia is a mood travel destination guide. It reacts to user's input and texts people back scenery pictures all around the world.  There should be easy conversations associated with the bot such as who the bot is and what does it do. Linked with Unsplash API (travel), Leia is an SMS bot using Twilio.


There are lots of image-searching chatbots. For instance, Giphy and Unsplash both have their chatbots for telegram, messenger, and slack. But these chatbots are more direct. They are mainly searching results based. Leia, on the other hand, is not really giving users a direct result. I'm trying to make a bot that matches some unexpected surprises between users and the results.


Initially, I wanted to use Airbnb API since there are lots of customized experience services, but it is too hard to get access to their API. Later I found Unsplash and used their API to generate results.

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Leia works in a simple way. 

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Data Diagram

My main focus is to categorize various mood words and match them to corresponding destinations, such as (happy - beaches). I sorted out various keyword categories and put them in a separate txt folder. Then it can match users input with Unsplash and gives corresponding feedbacks.

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Screen shot 2018 10 21 at 4.43.27 pm
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Screen shot 2018 10 21 at 4.43.38 pm
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As a visual designer who has limited coding experience, I learned a lot about the logic of coding through this project. After getting in touch with API, I want to explore more in making application projects. 

There are still so much I can do with my current project.

  • Learn more knowledge in Ruby (array, hash) and try to implement easier ways to matching user inputs
  • Add more APIs for more functions
  • Have more critiques with classmates 
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