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Problem Statement

A rented home is generally not designed as per the tenant's comfort. Also, tenant's are not very interested in making expensive/painstaking home improvements. One such problem is controlling the lights of the room before sleeping. The switch position is far from the bed which needs the tenant to switch off the lights and then navigate to the bed in dark.


The goal was to develop a modular attachment that could automate the turning on/off the room lights. This would improve the comfort of the tenant while maintaining the flexibility of having a modular/non-permanent home improvement solution.  The solution would consist of sensors at the door, which senses when a person enters the room and turns off when the person exists. Along with that, the person can remotely operate the switch using a smartphone.


The project started with identifying the sensors needed for the implementation. For sensing the entry and exit through the door, two IR break beam sensors were used. A single IR break beam sensor is sufficient to identify a break, but to have a sense of direction, two IR break beam sensors were employed. Next, to actuate the switch, a servo motor was the ideal choice. For the initial prototyping, an LED was used to see the correct functioning of the direction sensing algorithm.


The final prototype functioned as expected, turning on the LED when a person passes in one direction and turning it off when they pass the other direction. The code was further improved to acknowledge the number of people in the room so that the lights do not turn off when someone walks out while someone else is still in the room.

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Next Steps

The intended functioning of the project is in the wireless nature. To attain it, the IR break beams must wirelessly convey the sensor data to the microprocessor which would control the servo to actuate the switch. Also, a wireless power source must be designed to give power to the sensor and microprocessor.


A major challenge was developing the algorithm for the direction sensing and triggering. The main reason for the challenge was a variable delay in the sensors turning off due to the motion.

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