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Group Member: Vedha, Sijia W., Chun W.

"Missing U" is a smart photo frame that is designed for families or couples who live far away from each other. When one side interacts with the photo (that is in the photo frame), the other side will receive a LED display. Different interaction methods represent different emotions and will activate different displays. When the other side responds back by touching the photo as well, for example, both sides will play the same LED pattern.

As international students studying far away from home, we three were trying to come up with something that can help connect our families and us. Unlike western culture, many Asian cultures are shy about emotional expressions. People don't say it out when they miss each other, and they rarely say "I love you". Therefore, we want to use this opportunity to design an ambient object that can help shy people express their love and miss to people they care about.


1. We started with a few rounds of mass idea generation. We knew we want to make something that connects people in the long-distance situation, but we had a hard time figuring out what it should be. 

2. Then, we brainstormed from another angle, thinking about what sensor/what effect we want to accomplish in our design. From there, we picked LED and touch/tap sensor. 

3. Then we crafted the user journey, mapping out what steps users will encounter and what kind of interactions they will use. Later, we generated some quick storyboard.

4. Based on the storyboard, we started building the circuit and writing the code. 

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We have a rough prototype so far, and there is a lot to improve. We created the 1st interaction demo when one side touches the capacitive sensor that is behind one photo, the LED behind another photo will light up. Later, we will work on different interaction methods and their matching LED displays. 

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