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To build a humidifier that can make people’s life easier by adopting remote control and connection with phone. User can customize the machine’s operation with smartphone.


In this assignment, I want to build a smart humidifier with sensor that can detect the humidity of the room and turn on and off automatically to keep the humidity level consistent. With sending message to the phone, the device can notify you if the water level is low in the machine so you can refill the water in time.


Particle Photon

LCD light

Humidity/temperature sensor module



The goal of this device is to detect the humidity level and using light to notify users when the level reach a certain number. When the level reach 30, the LED will light up; When it is lower than 30, the light will turn off.

First step

I connected the photon with a DHT22 humidity sensor.

Second step

Inserted a switch so I can turn on and off the sensor.

Third step

Installed the LED light and input the code so it will react to the number produced by the sensor.

The challenge I have found was to make the LED light works. I have to change the code and input some of the serious to make the light turn on and off when the number goes up and down.

Billing of parts:

Photon: $19.00

Humidity Sensor: $9.95

LED: $0.5

BreadBoard: $5.00

Jumper Wire: $1.95

Power Switch: $1.50

Img 0522
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From this assignment, I have learned how the code can be used to produce varied functions that can help us with our daily life. The most difficult part is that when there is no outcome, it is hard to find out whether it is the problem of the connection or the code. 

One thing I would like to spend more time on is the understand what exactly each code means and the logic of the order, since I just copied and pasted the code from the tutorial.

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