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Being a team of three international students, we shared a similar emotional requirement to express nostalgic feelings.

We chose to augment a photo frame because it has always been an object that stimulates emotions and is associated with memories and nostalgia. It also felt like a suitable tangible medium to connect people with their loved ones whose pictures are already placed in a traditional photo frame.

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Understanding Social Interactions

We tried to understand the nuances of social interactions that we have with the people that are closest to us. Even without explicitly verbalizing our feelings and saying out loud that we love them, it is the simplest of gestures and shared moments that convey the feelings.

"Staying in touch" and "sharing a moment" became keywords for our interaction and we wanted to create something that would instigate such feelings by interacting with the objects in the immediate environment.

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Sharing a moment together imitates that magical feeling of being in the other person's presence without having any urgency and need to say something, the feeling of knowing that they are there, the feeling of living in the moment together, of being alone together.

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Staying in Touch

Connecting with your loved ones should not be a task that you accomplish only after dodging obstacles and working through interfaces. It should be simple and feel natural, something that we would do anyway, as simple as holding a picture frame in hour hand when you miss someone.

We used capacitive touch sensors and installed them around the frame, so when a user lifts the frame, it can detect the touch  and connect them without making the users go through layers of interfaces

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Living pictures bb
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"It's profound and clever to use a picture frame to convey emotion because it is cheap and accessible. The decaying of light and allowing the other user to catch the moment in time to respond adds a layer of intimate connection and provokes a desire to interact at the same time without explicitly stating it." - Eddy, School of Architecture, Director of Computational Design at CMU.
"What if the other person is sleeping and miss out on your message, was that intentional to not send push notifications? " - Robert, iDeaTe Lab at CMU
"Allowing users to set preferences of delays, gestures and responses was an important piece in your interaction. " - Professor Daragh, Designing for IoT

Future interaction 

  1. We think about why would someone want to use it for a prolonged period, would they outgrow it? Therefore, we propose to add a level of abstraction to our interaction design leaving it to the users to define their own way of expression. 
  2. Maybe they might want to send a code using the frames, BRB (Blue Red Blue = Be Right Back) 
  3. Another expression like - holding to the frame for longer : Making the LED flash for 5 second could relay that "5 seconds not being with you feel like 5 hours".
  4. We also thought about the moment in time when the recipient is away and not getting informed about the interaction at all. Right now we are debating how to relay that information, or may be not relay at all. 

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