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We wanted to create a shared experience within the studio to help diffuse stress, create fun, and get students active in the space. We’ve sought to do this through a game of hide and seek with connected objects in the studio to gamify the cleanup experience.


We were seeking to create a quick, easy game that allows students to disconnect from long meetings and get the blood flowing again. We wanted to gamify otherwise mundane activities that people aren’t otherwise motivated to engage in.

Design Process: 

We used a rapid brainstorming technique to generate words to fit a script to help guide our ideas. We used a randomized cycle website to get unique combinations of the words we came up with and worked in pairs to develop concept ideas based on these combinations. We sought to use visual cues with Neo-pixel strips to signal elements of the game to those playing, as well as sound once the code was flashed.

Prototyped Solutions: 

We initially developed a connected system to send and receive events with a musical chairs game through an Alexa skill app. We then pivoted to a hide and seek concept game with location sharing, connected objects in the studio that still use the visual and audio cues from our initial concept with sent texts to confirm the event being received and starting the game.

Using the big ball seat as a starting point with a velostat pressure switch on top, it sent a signal through the particle cloud to trigger the other hidden objects. The others being a light with a neopixel attached, a buzzerbox, and a flag stand that visually signals the user.

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Within a certain range and a limited number of objects, this code structure should work well and fulfil its desired function. Especially as a rough cut prototype, trying to incorporate too many objects over too far of distances would increase delays in flashing the code, limiting its scope and viability to smaller contexts.

Next Steps: 

It could turn into a more powerful reminder to clean up and maintain the studio space and become scalable to other studios by providing value in differently situated studio spaces. Personal items could be attached to the visual indicator within a certain zone and allow students to locate missing items or play a game with their own items. Talking to other groups such as ForgetMeNot we could think of combining our projects to create one valuable item location system. 


This process has been challenging as we started with one concept but quickly pivoted to another after we encountered difficulties working with Alexa and IFTTT in our initial concept. We were able to maintain the original spirit of our idea with our new concept and implemented in a fun, casual way. However, our idea is very rough and could use more thought to expand its usefulness and value. The cleanup idea in a kids area or gym space is one meaningful application that our concept could expand into with more time, development, and funding. 

Within the studio space, it could potentially be adapted to include more of a knowledge function rather than just cleanup. Adding in a social aspect of directing people to others with specialized knowledge or having someone follow tasks instead of just simple buttons would put an aspect to it that would allow the user to gain some value from it and not just a mindless exercise. There is a lot this could potentially segway into and although it was hard to see it at the beginning, getting other perspectives and ideas helped further our own intuition and curiosity regarding the potential.

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Whatsapp image 2019 03 05 at 1.45.09 pm
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