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Light is essential to your plant’s well being just as much as it is to yours. Keep an eye on the ever- encroaching dark side with a scaryPlant system. Warnings about low light levels and excessive force will be logged through your Google Drive so you’ll know when to change your habits.

One of the primary reasons that plants don’t survive in the apartments of busy graduate students (or Jedi knights)  is that they are placed in spots where light levels are too low to sustain life. To solve this problem, a photo-resistor sits in the pot and sends a warning if light levels dip below a critical threshold. When this event occurs and the plant needs to be moved to a brighter environment, it sends a message to your Google Drive to remind you that it needs a little TLC.

Sometimes the dark side starts to encroach on your life, too. The scaryPlant’s force sensor will let you know if the dark side is gaining strength. If you touch the sensor with a death grip, it will send out an SOS message in Morse code so you know to chill out. If you escalate a step further with a force choke, you’ll hear the imperial march.

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I began this project by focusing on the need for monitoring the light my plants receive over a period of time. This chore is something that I often forget to complete at home and would like a reminder for. Once I found a practical solution for this problem, I began looking for a humorous reminder that would nudge me check my plants daily. 


After deciding on the above approach, I began learning about how to use sensors, LEDs, and a piezo buzzer to relay information between the Particle board, the user, the environment, and the internet. After this stage, I followed the following steps to build the project:

1. Discovery: Research different IoT devices built with plants

2. Outline scaryPlant’s functionality and work flow

3. Build circuit and code for first stage, measuring light levels and then turning on indicator light

4. Build circuit and code for second stage, measuring force levels and turning on indicator light

5. Connect to IFTT and create applet in order to send information to Google Sheets

6. Build circuit and code for piezo buzzer, experiment and research how to play different tones and songs

7. Add piezo to circuit, code for loop that determines which sounds are played in which cases

8. Test full system, including Google Sheets connectivity

Below is the process the plant will follow to sense information from the environment and then choose the appropriate output.

Iop workflow
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Technical Documentation  

This project can be reproduced with the following bill of materials, schematic, and code.

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Google sheetz
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Next Steps  

1. Tweak IFTT applet and particle code so that it only sends and update once per day when necessary instead of every time the warning is triggered.  This event occurs so often that the IFTT usage limit is quickly exceeded.

2. Improve usability and design focus.  The story line behind the object is not very intuitive and would be confusing to a first time user.

3. Update code so that the photo resistor automatically initializes a correct threshold for triggering a warning.  This process is currently hard coded into the program.


The majority of the time I spent on this project went towards learning how to use the particle board, sensors, circuits, and IFTT together to form a system.  My initial goal was to partner with Austin Van Vark's "Listening Plant" project so that our plants could send messages to each other or have a conversation.  I didn't reach that goal on this project, but I learned the fundamentals of the IoT design process and how to debug a system that includes many different types of inputs and outputs.  These skills will be very useful on the next creative design project.

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