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Plants are often overlooked, forgotten and taken for granted. Considering the number of plants we kill everyday by failing to water them, the project aims to build a product that provides the owner with a subtle reminder to nourish these creatures, nudging them to water them through sound and light signals. The intention of the project is to build a relationship between the plant and the owner to ensure the plant's healthy growth and connect to its emotions through human touch.

The solution was designed around the idea that owner should be reminded to water the plants in a non-intrusive manner. To implement this, the plant interacts only when the owner passes by, and explains the condition of the water level: dry, appropriate or water logged, through sound and light signals.

- If the condition is dry, the plant cries and signals via a red light. This prompts the owner to water the plant.

- If the condition is appropriate for the plant, it stops crying and gives a thumbs up via a green light.

- If the plant becomes dank, it starts crying again and signals a blue light, nudging the owner to stop watering.

- This information is also sent across to the owner via sms if they are not around the plant.

Furthermore, to create an emotional bond between the plant and the owner, the product introduces the concept of human touch. When the owner touches the plant pot, the crying ceases, hence making it feel better.

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The design approach of the project was inspired by ambient products. There are products that trigger the users to water plants through intrusive reminders that builds  a frustrating environment. In order to resolve this and provide the relevant information in a non-distractive manner, the product (plant) reacts to the motion of the user and then conveys its state, hence, demanding attention only when the owner is around. 

Additionally, the manner in which the information is provided is through sound and light, while being expressive about the plant's emotions: crying and happy, and how it stops when the owner touches it. 

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The initial idea was to use the motion detection that will assist the plant towards a healthy growth. To implement this, I used the motion detector; once the motion is detected, soil moisture sensor detects the water level and coveys the state via piezo sensors and LED. 

The information is displayed by also expressing the emotions of the plant at the same time: 




The major challenge encountered was the extra sensitivity of the motion detector, which made it difficult to gauge the accurate results. Eventually, the design decision was to consider the state: motion detected at all times and work on the further conditions. 

The process evolved when trying to resolve the issue of making the tones stop. This was analogous to empathising with the plant through the touch, hence, the fsr sensor came in picture. In addition to stopping the tone, the idea was to also put a happy/lively/excited LED, that is, RGB, which talks about the state of the plant when the owner is around to nourish it.

Another challenge was to make the RGB work on the fsr sensor and how to convert the fsr sensor into a button such that the output changes once there is no force reading on the fsr pin (no one is touching the fsr). This was resolved by adding a toggle variable (0 and 1 value) and using it with every changing state.

Following is the design process flow:

Process flow wavetowater
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The above process flow is implemented through the following parts: 

- Particle Argon

- Motion Detector

- Soil Moisture Sensor

- Piezo Sensor

- FSR Sensor


- Red LED, Green LED, Blue LED

Following is the Circuit Diagram of the project:

Wave to water circuit diagram bb
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Part list wavetowater
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Next Steps

There is a lot of scope for improvement in the project, especially in terms of providing clearer signals and prototyping it further.

- The plant can have more sensors such as heat, temperature and gas sensors to provide with data that will support its healthy growth

- The plant can display the information in a  more expressive by merging emoticons (such as Lua planter) with LEDs 

- Instead of the motion detector, I was thinking of using Piezo electronic force sensor as the alternative for the footsteps detection, that will retain the initial concept of the project but will give more accurate results


- In the initial stages of the project, I tried to understand the basics of circuit-design and how to write the code to make it work, using different components and sensors. It took me some time to learn how to merge the design ideas with circuit and coding segments, but that is a major skill I acquired through this process.

- Another important learning was how to go one step a time in the process of building a circuit and designing it in a legible format, with appropriate commenting in the code. There were times, when I had to redo the entire circuit because I was unable to debug the problem.

- To understand the function of the product and the value it is going to create is the first step to move ahead, and then building up with the secondary ideas and additions to that main functionality.

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