

Briefly describe the solution you produced. Include a video if appropriate, image and/or illustrate with a workflow diagram


How did you approach the design of your device? How is your approach distinct from other precedents? How did you approach it creatively? Refer to ideas from class or related projects to give appropriate context to this project. Explain in as few words as possible.


Be able to tell the story of your work. What ideas did you generate and how did you refine or reject them? What did you research and explore? what were the design choices? What challenges were encountered and how did you resolve them?


Be able to illustrate the final outcome and how you produced it. Your documentation for this section must include:

  • Completed code
  • A circuit diagram (use Fritzing or similar)
  • A list of parts
  • A video of your completed project (use in context, operation, etc.)

Include illustrative diagrams (workflow, etc.), additional photos, or a video of the implementation

Next Steps

What would you do if you took this project forward and why? What would you do differently?


Reflect on the process of making this project. What did you learn from this project? What skills have acquired? What did you as a student get from the experience? 


Include any sources (precedents, projects, literature, etc.) relevant to the project and referenced in the text

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