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Plant and lamp
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Many people would put a plant on their desk in the bedroom for a fresh feeling. My project is to use a plant as a media for people to fulfill a certain purpose and entertainment from the survival of the plant, the functional purpose-indicating the noise and the entertainment need-singing songs.


First I defined the features of this project using Maslow's hierarchy of needs:

1. Survival:

Monitoring the vital index of the plant to make sure it survives by using a moisture sensor. If she needs water, then she gives a signal and sends you an email

2. Functional:

a. Using the photosensor to detect if you turn on the lamp for a long time and if the answer is YES, she will remind you that you sit in the chair for too long and you should take a break.

b. Also, she uses the sound detector to measure the sound of your room and if you are too loud and disturb other people, the plant will remind you in a very gentle way.

3. Recreational:

Using a button to let the plant sing a random song. The plant also sings to you when you feed her water as an appreciation.


1. Exploring the availability of the components I know.

2. Creating the structure of the working flow.

3. Finishing the circuit and code by parts.

4. Linking the device with IFTTTT and google sheet

5. Doing the best of implementation.


Part Lists

  • 1 x Particle Argon
  • 1 x photocell sensor
  • 1 x force sensor
  • 1 x sound detector
  • 1 x moisture sensor
  • 3 x  LED
  • 2 x 10kΩ Resistor
  • 3 x 1kΩ Resistor
  • several jumper wires

Building circuits and tested each component.

Internet of plant
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Work Flow:


if (enough water)  then (white light constant on)
if ( not enough water) then( send email+ blink white light)
if ( fed with water ) then ( reply with playing lion king music and white light constant on )


a. remind people to not make noise
if( sound is loud) then (bink the yellow light to remind people)
if(sound is very loud) then ( play melody)

b. remind people to take a break
if (light is on for 2 hours) then ( green light blink and sound alarm)
if (tap the button) then (green light off, sound off)


if ( press the button) then ( play a random song)
if ( press again ) then (stop playing)

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Next Steps

1. Make the solution more gentle and consider more details about UX.

2. Using code to fulfill a better user experience.

2. Structure and clean the code.

4. Make a physical and aesthetics pleasing prototype.

5. Put on my website.


1. Did not finish what I defined in the beginning.

2. Needing more knowledge of the algorithm.

3. Not a very good understanding of if there are many variables and sensors.  Should groom my understanding of complicated if statement.

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