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My solution is to combine multiple, progressive layers of reminder for plant watering, from ambient display all the way to breaking into your working environment. At first, the device will simply use a non-intrusive LED signal to indicate the need for watering. When the user gets closer to the plant, the device will make sounds for a further reminder. When not being watered for one day, the plant(the device) will send an email to remind you again(shown below). Finally, when staying dried for 3 days(or longer), the plant snaps, straight up sending a post announcing your atrocity towards it on your personal website, which greatly affects your professional image (shown below) .

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My design approach is based on the Iterative thinking process, beginning with a basic function that addresses the problem, and then imagine how the plant can interact with its owner in multiple stages in order to add up other ideas also by considering different use cases(distant or close observation of the plant & checking emails or using Internet browsers).


Components used: Particle Argon, breadboard (generic), jumper wires, soil moisture sensor, 1K resistor, LED (generic), piezo, PIR Motion Sensor (generic).

Circuits assembled:  (shown below)

Challenges: 1. Difficulty setting proper timing for codes of different sensors. For instance, we need real-time updates of the sensors’ input data for timely feedback, while intervals are also needed to prevent publishing events too frequently(which may cause IFTTT to reach use limits).

2.Not familiar with the usage and sensitivity of the PIR sensor.

3. A proper design integrating different sensors into a progressive combination instead of being simply put together.

Solution: 1. Use the ‘if( last_published + 60000 < millis() )’ condition instead of ‘delay()’ to allow parallel processing of the sensor’s activity.

2. Go over a separate tutorial project to learn how the PIR sensor works.

3. An iterative process of letting different sensors ‘talk’ to each other to form an integrated system.


Completed code: (shown below)

Circuit diagram:  (shown below)


 - Particle Argon *1

 - breadboard (generic) *1

 - Jumper wires *11

 - Soil moisture sensor *1

 - 1K resistor *1

 - LED (generic) *1

 - Piezo *1

 - PIR Motion Sensor (generic) *1

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Next Steps

To achieve a more consistent interaction for the device instead of separating different functions and also consider how its functions and structure can better work with its possible forms.

Also, the prototype for now still has a learning curve for the user, so the signals should be more intuitive in communicating information.

For the optimization part, I would try to increase the variety and granularity of the data collected to get a more detailed condition of the plant in order to design more responsive feedback. (e.g. different approaches for different moisture levels)


Considering how I addressed the challenges and my original expectations, I think I get where I wanted to, yet the project still needs a lot of improvements in terms of how to better interact with the user. It needs to be more exquisite in form, sensitivity, and maybe also in communication to achieve a satisfying experience.

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