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Problem Statement

Sophia is a busy people who care a lot about health and want to avoid dehydration. She knows that she has drink 67oz water every day but she always forgets how much water she drinks. Thus, she wants to have a smart bottle as an ambient device to reveal the water consumption amount, which can be solved by 67oz.


Our smart bottle can track how much water a user drink every day and use the length of the LED light strip to reveal the volume of water consumption.

Each adult should drink 67oz (2000ml) water every day. We designed the bottle volume is 500ml. So, people need to drink above 4 bottles that can meet the standards. When they finish 500ml, the stripe will light one LED. All of the light will light when people drink 4 bottles at least.

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Based on our concept which is to design a smart bottle to help people know how much water they drink already, to conduct an implementation way for it. We considered several methods to achieve it, for example, by using Load Cell Weight Sensor, but after discussing with the professor, we decided to DIY a water level sensor based on the references as a part of our project.


For this project, our team has several challenges:

  1. How to detect the water level?

  2. How to detect the volume of people's drinking and refilling?

  3. How to make it ambient and unobtrusive?

When we decided using a DIY water level sensor, we began to follow the reference to make the product. We finished the circuit, but it was really hard to complete the code part. Jiangtao made a heavy contribution in that part by asking for professor's and classmates' help. The code also needs to be iterated in different versions. For instance, we tried several times to define the baseline of water level detection, 2270, 2300, ......

After a series of iterations, we made a successful outcome for our project.

  • We tried several circuits with different components.
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  • We used a different baseline to test our code. 
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Technical Documentation

List of Parts

  • 1 x LED Strip 
  • 1 x Button
  • 3 x Resistor 100 k Ohm 
  • 5 x Resistor 330 k Ohm 
  • 1 x Capacitor 104 nF 
  • 1 x PCB Board 
  • 1 x Breadboard 
  • 1 x Argon 
  • Several jumper wires

67oz circuit
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1. There are multiple ways to visualize information other than using UIs.

2. A better understanding of the sensors:  the things happen behind the sensors are certain physical laws, for instance, using the conductivity of water to reveal the water level.

3. The structure of code is very important: a clean and structured code could fast the processing speed and enhance the stability, efficiency, easy of debugging of a system.

4. Physical limitations should be considered when making a product, some ideas should yield to the current technology.

5. The structure of a team should be given much attention because people would do a better job if they were assigned to sth that they are familiar with or at least is related to their previous background.

Next Step

1. Adding a function that a certain group of users can send messages to each other to remind them to drink water when they think it is necessary.

2. Making a high-fidelity prototype that integrates a microcontroller and circuits within a structured product.

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