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Problem Statement

With the advent of different voice and video calling apps, we are able to easily connect with each other. However, these applications and platforms (i.e. texts or video call) don’t necessarily help communicate emotions genuinely. For example, one may want to tell their significant other or close friend who is away an endearing message like “I love you”, or “I miss you, hope your day is going well”. Texting or video calling may not translate the message to be as special as it was intended. This is where our Enchanted Book helps communicate short, endearing messages to one's significant other or close friends/family in such a way that lifts the receiver's spirits. 

This was the problem faced by one of our users interviewed. Khansa is currently located in Pakistan, separated from her husband who is studying at Carnegie Mellon University. When interviewed about home-objects that she would want to be enchanted (connected to the internet to display ambient information), she was drawn to her sketchbook. Both her and her husband sketch daily. With a simple object she uses frequently, enchanting this could help the distance seem less. Our problem statement was as follows:

How might we enchant Khansa's notebook to connect with her significant other abroad?


We plan to enchant this everyday object, a sketchbook, to give it an additional ability to send and receive meaningful, short, endearing messages when she interacts with it on the norm, while still maintaining its basic functionality. We also wanted to emphasize the ambience of the device for Khansa so it wouldn't be obtrusive or distracting, but rather catch her eye when there was a message.

A list of key functionalities:

  • Receive a message and the book glows
  • Play message
  • Save message
  • Record and send message
  • Interchange any book into this sleeve housing


Below depicts how Khansa would use her enchanted book as she goes about her day, along with the interaction with her husband.

Enchanted book storyboard 01
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First Iteration

 The first iteration of this enchanted book was prototyped with cardboard for form and had the basic functionalities working: Glowing when a message was received and playing a tone from a piezometer when the book was opened. This prototype helped us understand how the circuit and the form would come together and also provided a lot of opportunities for improvement. 

Below are pictures of the first prototyped circuit (Note: the DFPlayer Mini does not work in this iteration, the piezometer takes its place)

Enchanted book storyboard 02
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Final Iteration

In this iteration, we incorporated classmates feedback and tailored it more towards Khansa instead of marketing it to anyone. It was a big jump from our initial prototype. We added additional features we believed were necessary to really make this enchanted book as usable as possible where it gets the full experience across.

We added:

  • Red button for recording
  • Green button to send the recorded message
  • Yellow button for saving the message that uses IFTTT to save to the Google Drive
  • Blue button for playing the message
  • DFPlayer Mini plays an audio message through speaker
  • Polished the form to fit Khansa
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Main Circuit:

(All features)

  • 1 large breadboard
  • Particle Argon
  • x5 1k resistors
  • x4 LEDs (red, green, yellow, blue)
  • x4 Push Buttons  (red, green, yellow, blue)
  • Flex Sensor
  • WS2812 Neopixel  (7 Pixel Count)

Recording and Sending Circuit

(Record and send features)

  • 1 large breadboard
  • Particle Argon
  • x2 1k resistors
  • x2 LEDs (red, green)
  • x2 Push Buttons (red, green)

Speaker Circuit

(Play the audio message when called)

  • 1 large breadboard
  • Particle Argon
  • DFPlayer Mini
  • MicroSD Card, Kingston 64 GB (from Amazon)
  • 1 small speaker that could be powered by 3.3V

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We successfully enchanted Khansa's sketchbook to glow when she receives a message from her husband, with the ability to save the message, and then proceed to record and send a message. The following demonstration shows the functionality of the three circuits together and each of the buttons in the book.

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Provided is the Fritzing diagram that would hypothetically be used for both of the books, where these two circuits would be in the back cover of the book and have the record, send, save and play features. The three codes that were used to demonstrate this idea are provided below, as well. 

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Next Steps

The next steps and future scope would include the following:

  • Record, send, save and retrieve audio files using an external server instead of using a DFPlayer Mini and pre-recorded audio to demonstrate audio
  • Make two enchanted book prototypes
  • Reduce the size of the book
  • Look into connectivity over the internet to encrypt and transmit audio messages


There were many challenges that arose in the code. 

Firstly, the DFPlayer would not play the single audio track on the microSD card, even though everything was wired correctly for an Particle Argon (Note - there is code for a DFPlayer, but it is either for Arduino or a Particle Photon). It turns out that we were using a faulty breadboard that did not connect the speaker correctly to the Argon. We also discovered that using only the 3.3V power supply on the Argon would not power the DFPlayer, Neopixels, LED's and pushbuttons. Hence, the use of three separate circuits that communicated through Particle.publish events. Later on, the speaker itself had very weak connections (however, no more small speakers were available for replacements), and only worked in certain positions.

 Secondly, we attempted to code the logic for the case that if the book was already open and the user receives a message. We ran into multiple issues trying to use previous and current state and a time duration variable and it taking 10 seconds per if-statement to decide what to do for each loop. We overcame this issue by having the book owner press the blue button when they want to hear the message.

Conclusions: Our team was able to complete a working prototype with three Particle boards communicating with each other seamlessly. We are satisfied with what we accomplished. We were able to share a video demonstration with Khansa herself, and she really loved what we put together. 

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