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DJ Double S

Who is DJ Double S?

DJ Double S was born to be a music lover. He is 28 years old, native American, a professional DJ who play guitar, drums, and B-Box. Highly educated with an undergrad major in Pop Music. He updates billboard top 100 every week, enjoying playing right music for people.

What can DJ Double S do?

DJ enjoy playing music for people because he believes music can bring people together no matter what they are doing. He remembers that he likes listening to music while studying but also curious about what other friends listening. So he'd like to help CMU students who use slack for team discussion to enjoy listening to the right music while studying. Without downloading the App or creating a new account, it would be more intuitive if we can have a slack bot directly play the music we want for us, especially sharing with friends and exploring more new music.

What's DJ Double S like?

DJ Double S is fun, playful, friendly, and also tech-savvy. He's very friendly with the heart of Hip-Hop. He enjoys giving opinions toward the music you choose, but his principle is "Please don't stop the Music!"

Features - design v.s implement

Workflow evolvement


Workflow 2
Show Advanced Options
Workflow 1
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Workflow 3
Show Advanced Options

Technical Implementation

API: SpotifyWebAPI

Gem: RSpotify

JukeBox Demo:   


Future Work

- @djbot: speak directly only functionalities would reduce irrelevant bot response when talking with other members in team.

- Playlist Database: the information of song typed in the Slack will be stored in the database. It will let the DJ bot remember the users’ preference while studying and be able to provide suggestions lists later. (Tried but not functioning well)

- Oauth: Spotify Oauth functions provide user account functionality. Directly use the playlist function within Spotify without creating own database to store. (Tried but stuck in the middle of process)

- Interactive Buttons: more intuitive interaction, reducing the typing actions for user.


Every API and gem is different, choosing the right one is very important. Always think about the functionalities I want to achieve, but be more flexible of using tools or methods.

Might want to try database and interactive buttons those universal fundamentals function to build a bot.


Spotify Bot:

Drop files here or click to select

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