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With the ever changing weather in Pittsburgh, I face a daily problem of deciding what to wear (sweater, light jacket, snow boots, heavy jacket etc.) Moreover it becomes a big hassle in the mornings to check the weather forecast, while trying to get ready and rush for the bus.

So I decided to create a device that would source weather data and quickly tell me what to wear.

With that in mind, I present to you the "What to wear" clock, a gorgeous piece of art and science.

Currently the particle code sources data from an internet source ( via an API and webhook. This weather data is returned to the particle in the form of XML feed. The XML feed is parsed out to give the temperature and wind conditions for the day. Based on the weather, and my tolerance to it, the arms of the clock will move to point to the pair of clothes (jacket, sweater, hat & gloves or t-shirt & shorts) that I should wear. 

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