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QT is an ambient device whose specialty is emoting super cuteness! Like many kawaii characters, QT has the ability to turn a frown upside down, whatever your mood. The device is loosely modeled after a young, hungry bunny. As soon as QT finds out that you're offering her vegetables, she gets very excited - buzzing back and forth in an arc, turning her head, coyly running away and hiding, and glowing her eyes.

Building QT required an immense coordinated effort. Tongtong focused on high level behavior mapping, storyboarding, and vegetable bait design. Nick built out the electronic end of our project, with a special emphasis on ensuring that the servos would run simultaneously at the proper RPMs. Reggie dedicated himself to designing, printing, assembling, and painting QT. 

Whatsapp image 2017 02 09 at 11.10.06 am
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Whatsapp image 2017 02 09 at 2.18.23 pm
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Code V1: Setting the general framework for the motors; monitoring photo resistor; activates motor which changes direction each 10 iterations until the light threshold is acceded

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Code V2: Adds a servo motor that moves independently -- "head" of the device

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Code V3: Adds smoothing to the motor; replace the brush motor with another servo motor; adds subscription to event published by another photon.

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Code V4 (Final version): Adds glowing LEDs, improves smoothing; quicken the procedure of rotating; 

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Detector Code: Publish an event to indicate the light (a.k.a. vegetable offering ) status.


  1. Saito was fired by his former boss a month ago, and he failed to find a new job since then.
  2. Saito opened his fridge and took out the only thing left -- A Chinese cabbage.
  3. Saito walked on the street despairingly with his cabbage, trying to find some hope.
  4. Saito accidentally ran into a mysterious magical pet shop which didn't "sell" pets.
  5. The elder monk asked Saito to offer something to attract a little creature.
  6. Saito hesitated for a while and finally decided to offer his cabbage.
  7. QT was appreciated, and started to move around.
  8. Saito felt the cuteness of QT, and got cheered up.
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QT Setup

1 Particle Photon

1 5V 180 deg Servo motor

1 5V Continuous Servo motor

2 LEDs (White)

2 220 Ohm Resistors



QT Outer Enclosure Upper Doom

QT Outer Enclosure Lower Ring

3 Fasteners

3 Wheels

4 Bevel Gears

2 Regular Gears

Inner Chasis

Fork and Steering Column


5V DC Brush Motor with wired H-bridge, replacing Continuous Servo

The Table

1 Particle Photon

1 Plate

1 Stuffed Vegetable (or object)

Box with Top Hole

1 Photoresistor

1 10k Ohm Resistor


1 Breadboard

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