This is a 3 part ambient device that symbolically represents a caged bird trying to fly. The device responds to tweets with the hashtag #muslimban.
We started by selecting the components we would use. From a box of various motors and sensors we picked up a fan, 2 servo motors and a DC motor. We also grabbed a space blanket, which makes a pleasant crinkly noise.
While exploring the movement of the various motors we recognized a certain anthropomorphism of the two servo motors moving in tandem as they closely resemble either arms or wings. This movement embodies a lot of emotion, either happy or panic.
We wanted to make our device socially relevant and the topic that elicits the most emotion from us is new legislation banning muslims from the U.S..
Panicked Audio
Flapping Wings
Simulated Wind
Housing and Effects
The key to the code, was making sure it was in sync with the other photons. We did that by subscribing all motors to the same event and adjusting the delays or "wing flaps" on all of the codes such that they would finish at the same time.
Two things to note about the breadboard:
See the Arduino source code & breadboard instructions for more details.
There is a balance between the speed of the wind and the whistling of the fan. The speed of the fan needs to be tuned to be able to sense the other feature of the ambient device. The variable for such changes were parameterized for such adjustments.
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