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Pet your weather

Peter wakes up on a dim Saturday morning. He feels exhausted because of the heavy work last night. He wish he could wake up with something hilarious indicating the weather.

PetYourWeather (PYW) is a device that shows the weather forecast for the day through the subtle and friendly gesture of a pet. It is inspired by the motion of a dog. When it’s sunny outside, PYW starts wagging its tail and rocking its head in delight; when it’s rainy outside PYW shakes, as if to get water off its fur; when its cold outside PYW starts to shiver creating a vibratory motion. 

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Emotion of the dogs:

Sunny – Comfortable, Happy

Inspired by this action, we want PYW to shake its tail and turn its head to tell us the happiness to stay in this weather.

Action video

Raining – Wet

Dogs shake off the water on its fur when they are wet. We have PYW turn its body to express this action.

Cold – Shivering

Just as human will shiver during the cold, the dog will shiver in the cold also.

Story board

Design challenge 

The design could be separated into 3 parts.

1. Code

2. Physics

3. interaction

In the coding part the main issue is that we had a tough time converting the format of data we collected to a right format that can work on particle.

When we are making the product physically function, components crapped easily. And the biggest challenge is too accurately put the components at the right place to make it work.

When we finish the code and physical function of the device, the biggest challenging we are facing is that how to make the thing act like a dog and convey the right emotion to people.

Hack PYW

Components used:


1*Vibrator Motor

3* servo motor

Cardboard to shape body


Prototyping Process

1. Use cardboard to build up the main body (the cylinder)

2. Seal one side of the cylinder as the dimension base.

3. Drill a hole on the sealed side as the tail

4. Cut holes as the support of the head and room for body to move

5. Confined the motion of each actuator (Tail, neck, body).

6. Make the dog aesthetic! 

Circuit Board

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