
Made by devikas

Found in Mid Mini MeBot

Dvk-bot is a language bot. His name’s Prof Higgins and you can ask him if your sentences are grammatically correct. If you don’t want to do that then he can also tell you a nerdy joke.



I started off the exercise with the intent to build something around language and conversation. I was interested in language detection and translation, and having a bot that converses with you based on its analysis of your sentiment analysis. I think that DVKbot is just a start and I would like to add other functionalities to it. 



I got inspired by a couple of bots that I've been using on messenger. Most notably, there is Wordsworth, that tells you new words, their meanings, synonyms and use. 



Think of functionality> Search for API>Try and make the API work> If it doesn't work>Search for another API> Design conversation>test locally>debug code>deploy on Heroku> Connect with Twilio> Try messaging DVKbot.



Sentence grammar correction

The product uses the Gingerrice API to correct grammatical errors in sentences received by the bot. 

1. 1st DVKbot welcomes you to the bot and lets you know that he can help you in fixing the sentences.

2. If you reply with 'y' to the option, it prompts you to enter the sentence. 

3. Once you send the sentence, it gives you the right answer or it tells you if it's right. It then asks you if you wanna check again.

4. If you reply with 'n', it tells you a joke instead.

Here's the live site for the app: https://shielded-ravine-69476.herokuapp.com/incoming/sms

Active number: +1 224-628-7718



I spent a lot of time trying to get the language detection and translation API to work, which did not give me as much time to flesh out the conversations as much as I would have liked to. I am interested in exploring conversation loops in more detail. However, after going through the whole process I feel more confident about building and deploying the bot. If I had more time I would definitely want to integrate more APIs to expand the functionality of DVKbot. 

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Dvk-bot is a language bot. His name’s Prof Higgins and you can ask him if your sentences are grammatically correct. If you don’t want to do that then he can also tell you a nerdy joke.


September 23rd, 2018