
Made by Michael Brough

Found in Conversational Service

This project is a chatbot that makes music suggestions to users based on preferred artist inputs



This chatbot has been created with the goal of providing a zero-UI music service using SMS messaging for those wishing to discover new music



Upon starting, the service prompts the user to create a profile based on favorite artists


Once the user has created an initial profile, the user can discover new music based on the current preferences, add to, remove from, and view the current profile, and clear all preferences. If the user opts to discover new music, they will be presented with a new track, the performing artist, and a link to a 30-second sample of the track. If the performing artist is not already part of the user's profile, the user is asked if they would like to add the artist.


The user can then add, remove, view, and clear their preferences to make their experience more customized to what they want to hear.



This chatbot utilizes code written in Ruby language that is web-enabled using Sinatra and is connected to a web app on Heroku. This Heroku app is then connected to a Twilio account so as to allow SMS messaging. All music referencing and recommendation is done through the RSpotify gem.



This chatbot has amazing potential for future development. The following are some proposed additional features:

- Database integration for repeated profile reference

- Development of outgoing messages for scheduled music recommendations

- Playlist recommendations in addition to track recommendations

- Filtering recommendations to only recommend tracks by new artists

- Connection to Spotify account

- Direct addition of recommendations to Spotify playlists

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49714 Programming for Online Prototypes

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A hands on introduction to building online products and services through code


This project is a chatbot that makes music suggestions to users based on preferred artist inputs


October 19th, 2017