
Made by Scott Dombkowski

Found in Mid Mini MeBot · UNLISTED (SHOWN IN POOLS)

The ScottBot is my personal bot that first gets to know a little bit about a user, mostly their name. Then it asks the user to compose a message and the ScottBot tells it if it liked that statement based on the number of topics (powered by a natural language processing gem) in that message. It then mentions the weather in Pittsburgh and how that might be a factor in whether Scott likes that message or not.



The ScottBot is my personal bot that first gets to know a little bit about a user, mostly their name. Then it asks the user to compose a message and the ScottBot tells it if it liked that statement based on the number of topics (powered by a natural language processing gem) in that message. It then mentions the weather in Pittsburgh and how that might be a factor in whether Scott likes that message or not.



ScottBot was purely designed because of my desire to create a bot that used natural language processing. I had never done that before, so I decided to use this assignment as a means to do that.



The process of building this bot was not very iterative. I first found the gem I wanted to use and then implemented the gem based on a basic vision I had for the final bot. I encountered some difficulty, mostly due to me receiving back arrays filled with X's, instead of real data. I was never able to entirely fix this issue, so I decided to implement the Darksky gem to expand the capabilities of my bot. 



I experienced a number of difficulties when trying to implement the TextrRazor gem and still do not have it completely working. Next time, I would try and implement Dialogflow, due to the amount of documentation and support available for the tool. This may be somewhat ignorant, but I believe Dialogflow would give me a great ability to analyze an individual's message and send more elaborate messages back and forth.

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The ScottBot is my personal bot that first gets to know a little bit about a user, mostly their name. Then it asks the user to compose a message and the ScottBot tells it if it liked that statement based on the number of topics (powered by a natural language processing gem) in that message. It then mentions the weather in Pittsburgh and how that might be a factor in whether Scott likes that message or not.


September 22nd, 2018