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Schools: 5 scales of inquiry

0 projects · 1 member

five scales of inquiry: 1) the regional or territorial scale, 2) the city scale, 3) the neighborhood scale, 4) a micro public space scale, and 5) the building typology scale

Prototyping Bots

14 projects · 17 members

Prototype a web-delivered product or service that does some good and uses a zero-ui or chat-based approach.

Mid Mini MeBot

19 projects · 8 members

Build a simple but useful personal me-bot that you can talk through through SMS

DioT 2019: Social Objects - Part 2

9 projects · 17 members

Design networked interactions between two or more devices. You will be asked to imagine a series of devices that will be shared between people (e.g. a couple, a family, co-workers) or a community. ...more

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