BotBarbello: The Bodybuilder SlackBot

Made by srajkuma

Found in Prototyping Bots

The goal of the project was to design a SlackBot using Sinatra, a Ruby framework that could do a specific set of tasks. BotBarbello is a bot that could easily be an aspiring bodybuilder's best friend! He gives you targeted workout videos on demand based on muscle group, equipment or workout type, inspires you with quotes from celebrity bodybuilders and motivates you with powerful stories of body transformation.


BotBarbello is a fitness bot that would be the best buddy of any guy aspiring to be a bodybuilder! He is a Slackbot programmed with Sinatra, a Ruby framework and works by retrieving data from a PostgreSQL database deployed on Heroku. Here are the cool things he can do!

  • He recognizes your greeting when you say Hi or Hey and responds with an introductory message and tips on the lingo he understands and a Start Workout button which enables a streamlined workout video category selection process.

  • He also lets you choose the category of the workout video category that you would like by simply typing start, then clicking the Start Workout button and then clicking on the buttons that follow to choose a workout category in order to be given a brand new workout video belonging to that category.

  • He motivates you everyday with an automatically posted quote from one of the famous body builders Arnold Swarzenegger, Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson, Mohammed Ali, Mike Tyson and Sylvester Stallone.

  • You can get inspiration on demand by asking to see before and after photos and a story of body transformation of famous bodybuilders by simply typing /beforeafter.

  • He also allows you to ask for a quote from a specific bodybuilder by simply typing /inspire arnold, /inspire ali, /inspire rock, /inspire stallone or /inspire tyson.

  • He enables you to ask for a random workout video by simply typing /workout.

  • He also let you ask for a specific workout video on cardio, dumbbell or barbell by typing /workout cardio, /workout dumbbell or /workout barbell.

  • Even better, he is also smart enough to understand keywords like shoulders, chest, back, abs, arms, legs, glutes, HIIT, Pilates, Yoga, Tai Chi and Aerobics in addition to barbell, dumbbell, kettle bell, stability ball and medicine ball.

  • And if you're ever stuck, all you need to do is type help and he will get back to you instantly with helpful tips on the lingo he understands.

  • BotBarbello will very soon be available on the Slack App Directory!
The pale grey boxes contain the workflows that the user wants to carry out, the yellow boxes contain the actions required from the user and the blue boxes contain BotBarbello’s actions.
Botbarbello workflow 01
The white boxes are the tables in the PostgreSQL database deployed on Heroku that BotBarbello accesses to retrieve workout videos and inspirational quotes and body transformation stories from. Botbarbello works through slash commands and by recognizing and responding appropriately to sentences starting with the keywords in his vocabulary.
Botbarbello datadiagram 01

Screenshots of interactions with BotBarbello

The Introductory Message
Screen shot 2016 12 15 at 5.47.07 pm
Slash Command /inspire that would display a random inspiring message from a famous bodybuilder
Screen shot 2016 12 15 at 5.47.33 pm
This slash command shows a quote from the legendary Mike Tyson!
Screen shot 2016 12 15 at 5.58.20 pm
It is possible to specify the bodybuilder you want a quote from by simply typing /inspire followed by their name which has been added to a list of recognizable parameters. So in this case, the command is /inspire rock
Screen shot 2016 12 15 at 5.47.48 pm
/inspire ali shows an inspiring quote from the great Mohammed Ali!
Screen shot 2016 12 15 at 6.04.45 pm
The Slash Command /beforeafter shows before and after pictures of famous bodybuilders who have undergone inspiring body trasformations
Screen shot 2016 12 15 at 5.48.25 pm
Typing 'start' displays an introduction and a 'Start Workout' button which makes the process of following a streamlined approach to selecting a workout category super easy
Screen shot 2016 12 15 at 5.49.08 pm
On clicking the ‘Shoulders’ button, a randomly selected shoulder workout video is displayed
Screen shot 2016 12 15 at 5.49.20 pm
Typing /workout displays a randomly selected workout video. This enables the user to quickly get a workout when he is feeling adventurous and open to trying something he might not be ready for, thus pushing him to step out of his comfort zone.
Screen shot 2016 12 15 at 6.28.47 pm
Typing ‘/workout cardio’ displays a randomly selected cardio workout video.
Screen shot 2016 12 15 at 6.28.54 pm
Typing ‘/workout dumbbell’ displays a randomly selected dumbbell workout video.
Screen shot 2016 12 15 at 6.29.10 pm
Typing ‘/workout barbell’ displays a randomly selected barbell workout video.
Screen shot 2016 12 15 at 6.29.02 pm
Typing ‘help’ gives you tips on the different ways you can interact with and gain value out of BotBarbello.
Screen shot 2016 12 15 at 5.49.30 pm

Watch this space!

BotBarbello will soon be available on the Slack App Directory and you can add him to your Slack Team!

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49-714 Programming for Online Prototypes

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An introduction to rapidly prototyping web-based products and services. This 7-week experience will teach students the basics of web development for online services. Specifically, well focus on lig...more


The goal of the project was to design a SlackBot using Sinatra, a Ruby framework that could do a specific set of tasks. BotBarbello is a bot that could easily be an aspiring bodybuilder's best friend! He gives you targeted workout videos on demand based on muscle group, equipment or workout type, inspires you with quotes from celebrity bodybuilders and motivates you with powerful stories of body transformation.


December 14th, 2016