
Made by Anna Lawn

Found in Conversational Service · UNLISTED (SHOWN IN POOLS)

This bot is a creative problem solving facilitator. It helps users through each step in the creative process will tools and tricks to guide the solution-finding process.



Creative problem-solving is an essential part of daily life, professionally and socially. IdeaSoup was a research project inspired by the fluidity of ideas and how to control them. I developed a toolkit to facilitate each component of the creative problem-solving process.   


IdeaSoup is a creative problem solving facilitator. With 5 creative problem solving steps (clarify, diverge, develop, implement, and review), this bot helps users get 'un-stuck', whichever stage they're in. With a variety of tools (inspiring quotes, probing questions, and prompting activities) users have the content they need to effectively move through their projects.


Upon activation of this bot by texting anything as a first message, users are prompted to identify which step in the creative process they're in. From there, users can choose between three tools to help (quotes, questions, and activities). Users choose one and the bot responds with a random piece of content from their selected categories. Users can continue to pull additional tools or move on to a different process step at their own speed.  


In the future, I would like to be able to create user profiles, store data about projects for users, and create timelines and send notifications for ongoing projects. Adding playful functions like 'study break' that give the bot a chance to seem spontaneous and playful could also be added in. 

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49714 Programming for Online Prototypes

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This bot is a creative problem solving facilitator. It helps users through each step in the creative process will tools and tricks to guide the solution-finding process.


October 19th, 2017