To-do lists, gantt charts, team calendar, task management tools, project planning softwares, & more - While all these intangible solutions are good for tracking, we want to provide our users an opportunity to celebrate the accomplishment of a task. We built "Rings of Success" to experience the sense of satisfaction by triggering a huge arcade button connected to a display of task performance matrix of the studio.

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49713 Designing for the Internet of Things

· 18 members

A hands-on introductory course exploring the Internet of Things and connected product experiences.

Focused on

To-do lists, gantt charts, team calendar, task management tools, project planning softwares, & more - While all these intangible solutions are good for tracking, we want to provide our users an opportunity to celebrate the accomplishment of a task. We built "Rings of Success" to experience the sense of satisfaction by triggering a huge arcade button connected to a display of task performance matrix of the studio.


March 2nd, 2019