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As we constructed the code for our project, we encountered issues related to communicating the signals between the two devices. Each particle device could send a stress or love signal that would register in the cloud but neither could receive the distress signal. We started out using a pressure sensor to communicate the feeling/color states between devices. We had trouble getting consistent readings on the particle cloud with the sensor, so we scrapped it in favor of a conventional button. We also experienced some hiccups related to getting the blue light to breathe to intuitively communicate the other person to calm down and breathe. There was some time lag in running the code between the devices that prevented them from showing the blinking/breathing LED light colors at the same time. Because we have 3 different shared events, we learned how to deal with sending and receiving multiple shared events. To select the event to send, we’re using a single, double, or triple button press to communicate each state. We’ve experimented with ways to make this easier and more intuitive. We had issues communicating each of the colors separately due to delay issues in the loop. To combat this, we increased the delay time in the loop to allow the button presses to be recognized uniquely. had issues communicating each of the colors separately due to delay issues in the loop. To combat this, we increased the delay time in the loop to allow the button presses to be recognized uniquely.

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