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Plants should be regularly rotated in the sun to make sure that all sides can grow evenly. This monitor will rotate the plant 180 degrees if it is sunny out (sensor faces window) and then play a song. At the end of the song, it will check the photosensor again, and if it is sunny, will rotate again and keep playing music. The vibrations from music are also said to stimulate plants


I rotate my plants regularly, but often forget until I notice that my plant is leaned toward the window. This inspired the project. I also liked the element of making the project more entertaining through a classic Mii theme.


My ideal version of the project would have been a very slowly rotating plant with music playing softly in the background once an hour or so. Unfortunately, there are limitations in using the Servo motor, and Particle technology is not equipped to run two functions at once.


Parts Used

Particle Argon, Servo, Photocell, Piezo

Next Steps

It would be great to make a second board with just the piezo, and have this component run at the same time. This board could have its own photocell, and both photocells would be activated at the same time when the sunlight's brightness is sensed. The plant could also rotate much more slowly and fluidly. 


Reflect on the process of making this project. What did you learn from this project? What skills have acquired? What did you as a student get from the experience? 

I had no idea how to code prior to this project, so I learned some coding skills and theory behind how to set up code. I learned some basic circuitry skills and got to challenge myself as a chemistry and materials scientist. 

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