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Cool ball
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The NBA Cool Ball is an interaction and ambient appliance which is designed for the basketball fans when they watching a basketball game onsite. It provides several features to give audiences feedback instantly associate with the game processing. Moreover, it creates a gamification way to engage people to focus on the game by betting the scoring and get awards after it.


Fans supporting the same team form a tightly-knit community. However, they are scattered and hard to identify during everyday life. This all changes when they gather at the stadium on match day. They then form a physical community that is directly addressable as a whole. 

Fans go to the stadium to support their home-team and the players. They want to be part of the game and be able to make an impact. They also want to celebrate with other fans and create an atmosphere that they all enjoy. 

During games, fans are intensively engaged in the happenings on the court. It is difficult to connect or communicate with their fellow fans through gestures or words. They now perceive excitement, anger and disappointment of fellow friends through their body movement. 

This could be augmented with some light that not only shows to fans how their surrounding fellow friends feel about the game, but also demonstrate support that is perceivable from the court by the players. 


The needs of fans have been acknowledged and addressed through some attempts.

  • Futurist visions of wearables in stadiums have been articulated and discussed from multiple sources, but a real incident has yet to take place.  Visionaries include a bracelet that pulses in sync with the heartbeat of a dash, or glasses render numbers showing players’ speed and distance as he scores. Or a giant balloon that inflates as 80,000 fans stomp in rhythm. Fan jerseys could blaze colors as algorithms review the play.
  • Activities and cheerleaders during recess.  There are at least 3 intervals in basketball matches, not mention numerous timeouts. Usually, fans get distracted and even bored while waiting for the game to restart. Currently, hosts entertain fans with questions and souvenirs and cheerleaders keep fans interested in the game. 
  • "Smart Stadiums" focusing on the needs of internet access. Not essentially addressing the same problem, but this builds the infrastructure necessary for Cool Ball to take place. Tottenham Hotspurs' new stadium enables its fans to navigate easily through the stadium and access all facilities including bars and retail outlets through high-performance Wifi connectivity and network infrastructure.
  • We would like to borrow fan experience precedents from the entertainment industry (concerts) and also amplified the thrill of live bets by integrating it during the match and providing immediate feedback.

Conceptual Design

The NBA Cool Ball operates while fans cheer for their teams, and creates a connection (if not competition) among fans and their surroundings. 

  1. The ball would show the unique color of each team that the audiences support when audiences shaking it during the game. It stimulates the same team's fans to be engaged by each other and give ambient support to players.
  2. The ball provides a bet feature when audiences watching the game and will give them instant feedback when player scoring and they bet successfully.

Detailed Functions

When the home team scores, Cool Ball will generate a running pattern (complemented with rainbow colors) to notify and celebrate with the crowd.

Users can also bet whether the current attempt turns into a score. If she/he bets it right, the Cool Ball will vibrate (while also showing the running lights). 

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While users shake the Cool Ball to cheer for the team they support, Cool Ball senses how violently they shake the ball, and displays the color accordingly. The stronger Cool Ball is shaken, the brighter the light. The color is determined by which team they are cheering for. 

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Following is a marketing video for NBA Cool Ball. 

For a more detailed version, click here. (Due to size limit, we were not able to upload it here. )

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The process started out with user research. We wanted to improve the experience of a fan community of a sport. After investigating in the physical environment of various sport stadiums and the existing fan activities, we chose basketball as the main scenario. 

Determining the "Shakiness"

We used an accelerometer to measure how violent the ball is shaking. However, the position (tilt) of the acceleromoter cannot be pre-determined, thus the influence of gravity cannot be offset. We decided to record 10 value of acceleration along the 3 axis and compute the variance to determine the "shakiness". 

We experimented how "Shakiness", or "violence", can be derived from the variation of acceleration along 3 axis: Maximum variance, Average variance, or Minimum variance. It turned out that Minimum variance was the most effective indicator of shaking. 

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  • 2 x Argon
  • 2 x Breadboard
  • 2 x Fsr
  • 1 x Vibration Motor (diode, transistor)
  • 1 x Neopixel strip
  • 1 x Accelerometer
  • 1 x Plastic Ball
  • 3 x Resistor
  • 1 x Doides
  • 1 x Transistors
  • Several jump wires


Coolball controller bb
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Next Step

  • Further investigate into the cheering behavior and attention spans of fans in stadiums. 
  • Identify games or activities that fans as a crowd can participate together. 
  • Reach out to fans watching live-streaming and enable them to a more engaging experience similar to the stadium. 
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