
Made by Mark Davidson

Found in SMS Bot

This bot provides some basic information about both itself and myself.



MiniMe is designed to provide some basic feedback about myself, itself, and the class. Try asking it to tell a joke! 



When coding the bot, I took into account the way in which people ask questions. Rather than require specific questions for the bot to work, it searches for key words to indicate what type of prompt is being asked. This is done in the following manner:

elsif body.include? "born" or body.include? "age" or body.include? "old" or body.include? "when"
    message = "I was made on Sept 20th. Mark was born in 1994."
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By using a url of a .gif from Giphy, MiniMe can also poke fun at the user when they ask for a joke.


Moving Forward:

As I continue to tinker with this bot and make it more robust, I plan to incorporate recent user cache to change the way in which the bot responds. I also want to incorporate Giphy's API so that it can react with randomly generated gifs.

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49714 Programming for Online Prototypes

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This bot provides some basic information about both itself and myself.


September 21st, 2017