Build a simple but useful personal bot that you can talk through through SMS
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A hands on introduction to building online products and services through code
DLAP (‘Dress like a Painting’) bot is a bot that turns an image of famous painting into an outfit suggestion that tells you what to wear depending the painting/art work the user selects.
1 162 0 0
Freud is a SMS-based bot that interprets and visualizes your dreams. He keeps your dreams securely in your personal dream collection and spot patterns in your dreams that will help you on your journey of self-discovery.
1 185 0 0
This is a chatbot to tell a little bit about me and to talk to
1 152 0 0
The School Secretary Bot helps schools to reduce the amount of phone calls made during the day. Worried Mums and Dads can check the school menu and upcoming events. Busy parents can easily inform the school that they will pick up their kid late.
1 149 0 0
"LaundromatGo🤖" is a SMS bot for a laundromat, customers can check the whether the laundromat is crowded in the day they want to visit.
in Web Services
1 129 0 0
The goal of the project is to code a Bot that gives basic information about me.
1 171 0 0
A simple SMS bot built with Sinatra and Twilio that can answer questions about my basic information.
1 117 0 0
I wanted to create a bot that is reflective of my personality. Slightly sarcastic with an apologetic nature.
1 91 0 0
Creating a bot that can response to people when I'm sleeping
1 98 0 0
Goal of this project is to make a simple bot that give the user a peek into my life.
1 110 0 0
A bot to interact with my recruiters to provide basic informations about me.
1 68 0 0
This bot can check the spelling and grammar mistakes in your text messages and correct them.
1 140 0 0
My project is to create an SMS bot that can understand basic information requests about myself and can respond with the correct information
1 74 0 0