Stock Market Quotes

Made by Harshika Jain

Found in SMS Bot and Mid Mini MeBot

To learn how to hook different API's to an SMS service and make a bot deployed over SMS.


Why I chose to do this project:

As a noob interested in the stock markets, I decided to build a bot which gives the latest stock price of the listed companies. 

API used: 

ruby gem - stock_quote, an API which helps to retrieve book, chart, company, delayed quote, dividends, earnings, effective spread, financials, stats, lists, logo, news, OHLC, open/close, peers, previous, price, quote, relevant, splits, time-series, volume by venue and batch requests through IEX (


require 'stock_quote' //in app.rb

gem "stock_quote", '~> 2.0.0' //in GemFiles

bundle install //in command line

// please don't copy paste in the same file, they need to be pasted 
// at different locations. 

//here is a list of the executable commands

stock = StockQuote::Stock.quote("symbol") //returns stock quote
// in if statements:
return stock.latest_price //for latest price of stock

stock = StockQuote::Stock.logo("symbol") //returns logo
// in if statements:
return logo.url //for company logo

stock = StockQuote::Stock.dividend("symbol") //returns dividends
// in if statements:
return stock.dividend //for dividend value

stocks = StockQuote::Stock.quote("symbol1,symbol2") //search for multiple stocks 
//by separating symbols with a comma (or array)
Click to Expand
Harshikerfuffle -

Future Milestones:

  1. Currently, the symbols which are actually company names are being referenced from (Links to an external site.) The plan is to assign a company name to each/ majority of the company code words so that user does not need to type in company codes to view latest stock prices. 
  2. To do intent mapping. Currently if user says what and what is the stock price, the code is not written in such a way that this is discernible. The plan is to solve this. 
  3. Add more complimentary API's and make the bot more conversational.
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49714 Programming for Online Prototypes

· 15 members

A hands on introduction to building online products and services through code

49714 Programming for Online Prototypes

· 9 members

A hands on introduction to building online products and services through code

Focused on

To learn how to hook different API's to an SMS service and make a bot deployed over SMS.


September 22nd, 2018