Bath Home Hack

Made by Lauren Romero

Found in Home Hack

My proposal is a device that helps my roommate make the perfect bath without having to stand around watching it and testing the temperature. It will alert the user when the water needs to be turned off because it has reached a certain height and when it has cooled down enough to get in or needs more hot water based on the user’s preference. To do this, I will need a thermistor, water sensor, and buzzer in case the user’s phone is on silent.

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49-713 Designing for the Internet of Things

· 26 members

A hands-on introductory course exploring the Internet of Things and connected product experiences.


My proposal is a device that helps my roommate make the perfect bath without having to stand around watching it and testing the temperature. It will alert the user when the water needs to be turned off because it has reached a certain height and when it has cooled down enough to get in or needs more hot water based on the user’s preference. To do this, I will need a thermistor, water sensor, and buzzer in case the user’s phone is on silent.


January 25th, 2017