Connected Distance

Made by ssakhalk

Found in Home Hack

Long distance relationships can be tough. Especially when its 7965 miles with a 10.5 hour time difference. This device makes an attempt to bridge this gap. It consists of a frame with every end user that lights up and signals the user at the other end indicating your presence in the space, when it detects motion. It is also connected to IFTTT- Location so that it can detect location change and update it on the frame via a pointing pin.

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A hands-on introductory course exploring the Internet of Things and connected product experiences.

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Long distance relationships can be tough. Especially when its 7965 miles with a 10.5 hour time difference. This device makes an attempt to bridge this gap. It consists of a frame with every end user that lights up and signals the user at the other end indicating your presence in the space, when it detects motion. It is also connected to IFTTT- Location so that it can detect location change and update it on the frame via a pointing pin.


January 25th, 2017