Our project is dedicated to the space around dreams and our ability to process our emotions, moods and stress in our sleep. We want to explore using objects in the bedroom as transactive memory and emotional deposits. Our goal is to enable users to be reflective of and to clear their heads of their emotions and ideas before they sleep, so that they do not lay in bed brooding.

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49713 Designing for the Internet of Things

· 25 members

A hands-on introductory course exploring the Internet of Things and connected product experiences.


Our project is dedicated to the space around dreams and our ability to process our emotions, moods and stress in our sleep. We want to explore using objects in the bedroom as transactive memory and emotional deposits. Our goal is to enable users to be reflective of and to clear their heads of their emotions and ideas before they sleep, so that they do not lay in bed brooding.


March 7th, 2018